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Paula Domenica Ponce Lopez

Location: Guayaquil, Ecuador

Birthday: January 9, 2014

Gender: Female

School: St. Rose of Lima School

Parents' Names and Occupations: Frank Ponce (unemployed) and Andrea Lopez (housewife)

Siblings' Names and Ages: Three siblings, names unknown, ages 5, 10, and 19

Hobbies: Singing and dancing

Reason for Scholarship: Their family does not make enough money to support the family. They are requesting scholarship assistance so they can afford tuition. 

What Your Sponsorship Provides
When you sponsor a child in Ecuador, your donation supports the child's education in an excellent school.  These children come from very impoverished areas, and the local schools are greatly lacking.  Your donation will not only allow a child to receive a very good education, but will also allow him or her to experience the love of God in a faith-filled community.  Additional donations can be made here to help support children without sponsors as well as support additional needs of the children, such as gifts, uniforms and school supplies.

What You'll Receive
As a sponsor, you will receive a newsletter with general updates from our communities in India and Ecuador as well as a letter from your adopted child 3 times per year:  Easter, early fall and Christmas.  We also encourage you to send letters or cards to your adopted child by creating and logging into your account on our website.

DOB: 09/01/2014